History of the Book of Second Peter

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Be Aware of false prophets. Second Peter teaches how to cope with internal opposition in the form of false teachers who were enticing believers into their errors of belief and conduct. This Bible book found in the New Testament, appeals for growth in the true knowledge of Christ. The basic theme is the contrast between the knowledge and practice of truth versus falsehood. It exposes the dangerous, seductive works of false teachers and warns believers to be aware not to be led away with the error of the wicked. It also exhorts us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord's return in power and judgment are also a certainty that is included in this epistle. Second Peter was probably written in Rome around A.D. 64-66. This small New Testament letter has 3 chapters.
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Other books of the bible to visit is Exodus, Leviticus, Titus, 1peter